Your Stars for 2025

What your star sign has in store for 2025.

Read 2025 Astrology Forecast by Kris Fontaine, QA (FAA Dip.) Best Psychic-Astrologer 2023.

» Read online.

New Mediumship Decks

Dennis Valchez presents the new Mediumship card decks, designed for all levels of spiritual practice.

Use promo code IPA50 at checkout to save $50 when you buy both decks!

» Order online.

Online Courses

If you wish to find a psychic development course, check out this section.

The best way to develop your psychic skills is to learn from the experts.

» Find out more.

Find A Psychic

If you wish to contact a reputable psychic in your area, check out this section. We have listed a number of our IPA psychic members.

They will give you readings by face-to-face, phone or video.

» Search a psychic.

Psychic Awards

The annual Psychic of the Year Awards acknowledges the outstanding among an extraordinary group of people.

The winners were announced on 10th January 2024.

» Find out more.


Suzanne Newnham introduces different types of meditation. Step through the golden door of healing, insights, messages, and a strengthening calm await you.

» Find out more.


What is ‘psychic’? How about ‘medium’? Leela Williams explains this in her article 'A Guide to Finding Guidance'

» Read an article.

About International Psychics Association

Our original organisation the Australian Psychics Association (APA), began in 1983 as a public relations organisation for psychics. It was founded by two psychics and a journalist. All three felt there was a need for an organisation that could provide accurate material for the many TV shows, radio programs, newspapers and magazines that constantly called looking for a story on this or that of a psychic nature. They couldn’t do all the stories themselves, so they thought it a grand idea to set about collecting other psychics into a group of like-minded experts. And it worked. Part of the deal, which has been true to this day, was to treat all members like a huge family. The family may have had its arguments and disputes, but ultimately, in the main, psychic members have stuck by one another. Throughout the years, the APA has been involved with many psychic-related projects.


In 2004 we began our Psychic of the Year and Hall of Fame Awards. Our idea was to spotlight those who deserved recognition for their accurate and caring nature as they went about their business of being spiritual and psychic. We also began producing the popular annual Australian Psychics Directory at that time.


We announced the creation of the IPA in 2009, and as of the 1st of July 2013 we have officially upgraded from the APA to the IPA.